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  • Gareth Bale

Guide to home renovations

More and more people renovating their existing homes as opposed to moving. This can be just as stressful and have as many if not more moving parts. With so many aspects to consider, G Williams has produced the following guide to assist those looking to complete improvements to their homes.

Firstly, you’ll need to find the right builder. We recommend always getting a minimum of 3 quotes and doing your homework on the builder you have chosen; the last thing you need is to be starring in the next episode of “Rogue Traders”. Reputation is incredibly important and it’s a key part of the process to look at reviews and feedback on any prospective companies; we recommend using CHECKATRADE.

. You may also have had friends or family have similar works completed; it’s always worth asking them for recommendations.

So, you have chosen your builder, now the real work begins. Odds are you’re going to need to move items to facilitate the works taking place. Most people see this is a great opportunity to declutter so you may want to explore the idea of renting a skip. If you have items that may be too good to throw away, consider donating these to a local charity who will often collect for free. You could also consider selling unwanted items on eBay or Facebook marketplace.

Once you’ve sorted out what you’re keeping and what’s going, you’ll need to make plans to store what is left over. There are a few options available to you here; firstly, you could look at space you currently have in your home or at friend’s house. Secondly, if you are embarking on a long-term project, it may be worth looking into some self-storage, we have links to several local self-storage firms and are more than happy to assist in finding you the perfect space so that you have the peace of mind that your goods are safe and secure while the works are carried out. If you’re interested in some help with this, feel free to make an enquiry.

Once you’ve selected your storage, we’re more than happy to assist in the moving of goods.

If you’re embarking on a renovation that means you will need to move out for a while, it’s worth exploring your options for where you will live during this period. Ensure that any accommodation you look at is suitable for you; we recommend looking at rentals on Airbnb properties for short term projects or even staying with a friend of family. For longer terms projects, you’ll want to look at a more standard rental property.  

If you are about to begin or looking into a home renovation project and would like help moving you items contact G Williams for advice and free no obligation quote:

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